Fast nuclear fuel depletion code


UWB1 is a fast nuclear fuel depletion code developed by Czech universities (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and Czech Technical University in Prague). Although the code is intended for fuel design optimization with burnable absorbers, it can be used to calculate fuel depletion calculations in general.


The code's main features include:

burnup solver utilizing CRAM method

parallelized Monte Carlo transport solver

2sPC depletion scheme

data libraries based on ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear data

Currently, arbitrary 2-D geometry described by concentric cylinders in square or triangular lattice is supported. The code is able to calculate fuel inventory and multiplication factor during depletion.


UWB1 User's Manual (download PDF)


Lovecký, M., Piterka, L., Prehradný, J. and Škoda, R. "UWB1 – Fast nuclear fuel depletion code", Annals of Nuclear Energy 71 (2014) 333-339.

Lovecký, M., Jiřičková, J. and Škoda, R. "Monte Carlo solver for UWB1 nuclear fuel depletion code", Annals of Nuclear Energy 85 (2015) 778–787.

Lovecký, M., Škoda, R., Hussein, M., Song, J. and Chan, P. "The Application of UWB1 Nuclear Fuel Depletion Code on a CANDU Fuel Bundle", Progress in Nuclear Energy 90 (2016) 127-139.


How to get UWB1? Please contant our development team.

Martin Lovecký - lovecky@rice.zcu.cz

Radek Škoda - radek.skoda@fs.cvut.cz
